If you spend hours on the internet trying to find your dream home by searching through photos
or video of properties, you may be overlooking important flaws in this superficial approach to evaluating real estate.
The big question is:
What percentage of time are you incorrect in your decision to discard a property based on a photograph?
Judging a property by its photograph may prove expensive. You are potentially discarding poor photos without knowing if they represent excellent real estate opportunity for you. Just ask yourself, how many selfies does it take to achieve a great and, therefore, accurate picture of you?
How many better choices or better bargains did you miss out on because you did not approve their visuals?
The Smart Approach
We’re not advising that you view every listed property. Instead, work with experienced real estate professionals who’ll process listings. We visit properties using your criteria, and, therefore, save you time by selecting the best prospects for you to view.
Describe what you’ll want in a new home and the professional will converse with you to clarify that description for you and for them. Buyers are often surprised when these conversations reveal how much they had not realized about what they thought they wanted and needed.
Professionals are also aware of smart buying strategies based on poor photos or less inspiring facades. For instance, if you’d like to invest in the best location your budget will allow, there may be advantages to viewing properties in choice neighborhoods with less attractive street faces. When there is value in the location, interior, and backyard, over time the curb view can be improved on, increasing property value in the process.
Online buyers of clothing who rely on photos alone discover that it’s the fit that makes the difference—something only first-hand experience (trying the garment on) settles. Real estate is like that, too. Make sure it fits in all the important ways before you buy.