When you come home, it should be a place of peace where you can relax and recharge. Sometimes, your home can feel more like a workplace or an office. This is not good for your mental health or physical well-being. Studies have shown that people who meditate regularly are less stressed, more creative, and have better relationships. So why not consider turning your home into a sanctuary where you can relax or worship?
Below, you will find helpful tips brought to you by guest author Shirley Martin that will aid you in achieving peace and relaxation at home and leaving work at work!
Practice Mindful Meditation
Mindful meditation is the practice of being aware of everything that’s happening in the present moment without judgment. It’s about learning to distance yourself from anxiety or stress by letting things go.
Turn Off Electronics at Bedtime
It can be hard to disconnect when you come home after a long day. But the best thing you can do is turn off electronics an hour before bed. The light from electronics can keep your brain active, even when it’s time for you to sleep.
This will take some discipline, but if you’re able to turn off your phone and TV at the same time every night, your eyes—and brain—will thank you in the morning.
Create a Homely Atmosphere
One way to create a homely atmosphere is by adding personal touches. For example, you can use your favorite colors to paint the walls, fill the house with plants, and line up pictures of loved ones on the mantle.
Another way to create this feeling is to surround yourself with things that make you feel safe, like blankets and pillows. You could also enrich your environment with soft sounds like soothing music or nature videos. Consider implementing a hobby that you enjoy, as this will go a long way in relaxing your spirit.
When it comes to making your home a place for relaxation or worship, there are many ways you can incorporate these ideas into the space. If you’re not sure where to start, visit home design websites like for inspiration.
It also doesn’t hurt to check out Pinterest. You can do a quick search based on your needs or explore items that are trending in your area to get some ideas about what other people like. There are also some great blogs out there with beautiful pictures of home decor and design that will aid you in your venture.
Keep It Clean
If your home is in a constant state of clutter, it can result in you feeling restless, depressed, or angry. However, if you take the time to declutter and organize your space to minimize the clutter, you are more likely to feel calm, happy, and relaxed.
There are many ways to create order out of chaos in our homes. The first step is to get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy when looking at it or using it. This could be anything from clothing that doesn’t fit anymore or items that haven’t been used in over six months.
Next, try to tackle any areas that are cluttered like your kitchen countertop or office desk by sorting items into piles: one pile for things you need but don’t use, one pile for things you need but use once a week, and one pile for things you need every day.
You’ll be amazed at how effective these processes are at reducing stress and helping you relax. So, make sure you set aside time to make your home a cozy, relaxing sanctuary — and then schedule plenty of time to enjoy it!
Shirley Martin has always had a knack for keeping spaces clean and organized. She decided to turn her love for perfectly organized closets, drawers, and cabinets into a career by becoming a professional home organizer. Through TidyLifeToday.com, she shares her own expertise and all the handy tips she picks up along the way.